TBT: Kitchen Edition
A year and a half ago, I started a kitchen renovation. Our house had the original 1966 galley kitchen plus a college student paint job in neptune blue.

Our cabinets came from Ikea during their 20% off kitchen sale. I got the Adel cabinets in white and an absolute black quartz counter for $3600 out the door. That included counter top installation, but not cabinet installation.
I assembled all the cabinet boxes myself. It took me 2 days with the help of my assistant JVA, who was a year old at the time. I hired a handyman to demo the old kitchen, move some outlets and plumbing, move a wall so I could recess the fridge, and install the cabinet boxes. This is what I ended up with.

I put the doors and hardware on myself and once the counters were installed, this is pretty much what we've lived with for the past year and a half. We put drawer pulls from Restoration Hardware on the drawers and basic knobs from Home Depot on the cabinet doors.

New appliances minus the stove, fixed the floor, retrofit a 4 inch Rev-a-shelf pull out next to the stove for cutting board storage. A vast improvement, but progress stopped here until last weekend!
Later in the week, the reveal!